
*Click here for the Japanese version of the text.

“Copipe” is an add-on for Google Spreadsheets

As of July 2022, Google Spreadsheets allows you to open two URLs of the same spreadsheet and copy and paste them, for example, when working on dual monitors. However, that method does not reflect cell formatting, and you cannot move rows or columns as you can with cut and paste.

The add-on “Copipe” allows you to copy and paste, move lines, etc., even in sheets that are opened separately in the browser.

*However, you can only copy and paste, move rows, etc. between the same spreadsheets.

This application is Japanese compatible and will automatically display in Japanese if the user is using Google services primarily in Japanese (the screenshot pasted on this page is of the English version).

Please read and understand the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before installing and using the software.


Please install from the following link

Or from Google Spreadsheet

Extensions > Add-ons > Get Add-ons

Search for “Copipe” in the search bar at the top and install it.


  • Copy and paste and cut and paste between different browser tabs by leaving a named range of information
  • Paste without formatting in the same situation
  • Moving rows (cut & paste rows) and columns
  • Conversion of absolute/relative references of formulas contained in cells in the “A1” reference format


Here is an explanation of how to use the add-on after it is installed


Show Sidebar

Display the sidebar to use the function

about version

You can check the version of “Copipe”



Records a selection on the spreadsheet. Pressing this button does not change anything on the sheet.

This information is recorded in the spreadsheet feature “Named Range”


Paste the information recorded with the “COPY” button into the active cell with formatting

PASTE without formatting

Paste without formatting into the active cell based on the information recorded with the “COPY” button

MOVE rows

Moves the row containing the cell range recorded by “COPY” to the top of the active row

MOVE columns

Moves the column containing the cell range recorded by “Copy” to the left of the active row

Ref. Conv.(A1 -> $A$1)

Converts all reference characters in A1 format contained in the selected cells to absolute references for both columns and rows

Ref. Conv.(A1 -> $A1)

Converts all reference characters in A1 format contained in the selected cells to absolute references for columns and relative references for rows

Ref. Conv.(A1 -> A$1)

Converts all reference characters in A1 format contained in the selected cells to relative references for columns and absolute references for rows

Ref. Conv.($A$1 -> A1)

Converts all reference characters in A1 format contained in the selected cells to relative references in both columns and rows

Contact Information

For inquiries, please use this inquiry form.

However, please understand that we cannot guarantee that you will receive a reply to all of your inquiries.

Revision History

1.1.4Public Version